Anderson County Watershed Protection Council announces its first grant recipients

January 13th, 2023

On the shores of Broadway Lake, the Anderson County Watershed Protection Council yesterday announced its first grants have been awarded. The grants, ranging from $30,000 to nearly $90,000, will enable recipients to launch projects that will improve water quality and education in the county.

The water council and new grant program are part of Upstate Forever and Savannah Riverkeeper's efforts to spend legal settlement dollars from past polluters on long-term, community-driven projects that will safeguard Anderson’s water quality.

Upstate Forever State Policy Director Megan Chase shares her excitement about the funded grant projects.

The recipients of the Anderson Water Council's first round of grant funding are the Anderson County Soil & Water Conservation District and Rocky River Conservancy:

  • The Anderson County Soil & Water Conservation District's grant funds will provide local teachers and students with Adopt-a-Stream kits and link them to the database to monitor local conditions in local waterways, including Broadway Lake. The project will engage more than 1,000 participants in water quality activities in its first year.
  • Rocky River Conservancy's grant project will engage the community in restoration efforts and water quality testing in the Rocky River Nature Park, a 148-acre public preserve. The Conservancy will also partner with TreesUpstate to plant buffers to further safeguard water quality.

Grant recepients — Anaston Porter of ASWCD and Dr. Laary Cushman of Anderson University on behalf of the Rocky River Conservancy — speak about their organizations' upcoming projects to improve water quality in Anderson County.

The next funding opportunity will be in the summer of 2023. Entities seeking more information about the process can visit or email

Members of the Anderson County Water Protection Council, grant recipients, and Anderson County Councilmembers celebrate the occasion at McFalls Landing on Broadway Lake. The lake is one local body of water that will be monitored by local students through grant funds.

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