Protect Special Places

Get Involved

We need your support.

Upstate Forever is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization relying on generous contributions from people like you. Here’s how you can help Upstate Forever defend your natural resources and promote balanced growth.


Stay informed

  • Join our email lists to receive general news or updates and action alerts dedicated to specific topics:
    • Monthly Newsletter and General Interest Emails
    • Land Protection in the Upstate
    • Anderson, Greenville, and Spartanburg Land Planning & Policy Updates
    • The Water Log: Clean Water News & Updates
    • South Carolina Legislative Updates
  • Attend an event
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Application and Waiver form and send it to

You can also become a citizen water monitor through the SC Adopt A Stream program, which is led in partnership by SC Department of Health and Environmental Control and the CU Center for Watershed Excellence. Upstate Forever was instrumental in advocating for a statewide Adopt A Stream program.


Director of Development

Upstate Forever's Director of Development is responsible for leading and managing the overall effort to raise funds for the organization. In this full-time role, the Director oversees all components of major and planned giving, membership/annual giving, cultivation events, and member activities, and operates in close collaboration with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors.

View job description and application details


Upstate Forever does not have internships on a regular schedule, but we do occasionally engage interns for specific projects based on qualifications and availability. If you would like to be considered for future opportunities, please send your resume and cover letter to

What’s Happening


The Upstate Advocate

The latest edition of our print newsletter features stories from Upstate conservationists working to protect and improve our region for future generations, in addition to sharing information about the Generations Campaign and more news from our staff.


For future generations

We are working to secure $7 million to safeguard Upstate SC's natural resources as the region experiences significant growth and development. With your support, we can leave future generations a healthy and vibrant Upstate legacy.


Conservation success

We're thrilled to announce the recent protection of Hereford Hill Farm. Located in Southern Greenville County, the conservation of this 101-acre working ranch will help curb sprawl, protect wildlife habitat, and safeguard local water resources.


Session Recap

Revisit the conservation legislation signed, unfinished bills we hope to revisit in 2025, and what to expect in the months to come in our 2024 Legislative Session Wrap-Up from State Policy Director Megan Chase-Muller.


25 Highlights from 25 Years

Upstate Forever celebrated 25 years of conservation and advocacy in 2023. Join us in reflecting on just a few of the successes your support has made possible — and help us continue this work for future generations.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

To realize our vision of a future that is healthy, vibrant, and prosperous for the Upstate, we know it is vitally important and essential to our core values that we engage the diverse community we serve.


Preserve our region’s character

Growth in the Upstate is skyrocketing. We must act immediately to protect our region’s natural resources and unique character from unchecked sprawl and short-sighted development practices. Join our mailing list to receive news, updates, and action alerts.

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