Tickets are now available for ForeverGreen 2022

April 20th, 2022

Tickets are now available for our 2022 awards luncheon!

Upstate Forever’s ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon celebrates individuals and organizations for significant contributions in fields related to conservation and sustainable growth.

The 2022 luncheon will include a celebration of this year's awardees, in addition to a special recognition of the 2021 award recipients.

Save the date

Monday, June 13
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Embassy Suites

670 Verdae Boulevard
Greenville, SC 29607

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2022 Award Recipients

The Marjorie E. Schmidt Stewardship Award
Mable Owens Clarke, for her tireless and quiet dedication to secure the preservation of the historic Soapstone Church in Pickens County

The Tommy Wyche Land Conservation Champion
Hoyt Grant, for his dedication to conservation and the protection of the iconic Grant Meadow and Table Rock viewshed

Public Servant of the Year
Interpretive Ranger Tim Lee, for his decades of service and wildlife education at the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area

Clean Water Champion
Tyger River Foundation, for their ongoing work to protect and provide access to water in Spartanburg County

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