2022 in Review

December 30th, 2022

As we enter the final days of 2022, we're pausing to reflect on the conservation successes this year has brought for Upstate Forever, our partners, and all who are proud to call Upstate South Carolina home. Thanks to your support, our team built upon the work we’ve been committed to since 1998. Take a look at just a few of this year’s successes below, and join us as we lay the foundation for another successful year to come.

Land protection, stewardship, and special projects

Safeguarding water quality and quantity

Advocating for smarter growth

Championing conservation and clean energy

  • Our Energy and State Policy team members worked alongside partners at the Statehouse to lobby for and help pass eight bills that will strengthen protections against hazardous waste and unnecessary pipelines, bolster solar and wind industries, and give counties more tools for local land conservation
  • We also worked to secure $18.5 million in the state budget to protect drinking water and support Upstate economic development and conservation projects, in addition to securing an unprecedented $92 million in one-time and recurring dollars for the South Carolina Conservation Bank and SCDNR’s land conservation program
  • Finally, we continue to represent Upstate ratepayers at the SC Public Service Commission in several dockets with the goals of advancing clean energy, minimizing monthly bills, and holding pipeline companies accountable

With your support, we can carry this momentum into 2023 — Upstate Forever's 25th year — and beyond.

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