More than 600 acres permanently protected in Union County

July 27th, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the protection of more than 600 acres on two privately owned properties in Union County! 

Friendfield Farm

Friendfield Farm

Friendfield Farm is 383 acres of prime farmland, timber, and hunting land. With more than a mile of land along the banks of Fairforest Creek, its protection will also play a significant role in safeguarding the creek’s water quality.

Sandy Run Forest

Sandy Run Forest

Sandy Run Forest is comprised of 237 acres of forests, farmland, and open fields. Located less than a mile from the Lower Pacolet River, this property is also critical to water quality, in addition to serving as important wildlife habitat.

Each of these properties is permanently protected by a voluntary conservation agreement between the landowners and Upstate Forever. Learn more about conservation easements

Because of your support, Upstate Forever protects more than 24,000 acres across the Upstate — and we have more conservation projects in the works. We hope to share more conservation successes with you soon! Support Upstate Forever