The Upstate Update: March 2022

March 20th, 2022

The Upstate Update is a digital newsletter curated and shared each month that offers insights into Upstate Forever's recent work, highlights upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, and shares other conservation and advocacy news.

We post the Upstate Update here on the Upstate Forever blog each month. If you would like to receive the Upstate Update directly in your email inbox, please sign up for the mailing list.

Your support made an impact in 2021

Despite the ongoing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-transforming social climate, Upstate Forever had one of its most productive years yet. And our team could not have accomplished this indispensable work without your support.

We thank you not only for your generosity but for understanding the importance of proactively, thoughtfully, and equitably addressing the growth happening in our region. We hope you'll take a few moments to read some of the success stories you made possible last year in our 2021 Donor Impact Report.

Read the report

Support our work

View this month's Upstate Update

Also in this month's newsletter:

  • Free advocacy workshop April 8
    Have you wondered how to help advocate for smart growth in the City of Greenville? Join UF staff & advocacy experts from Pecan PR for a free workshop on Friday, April 8 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Participants will learn how to identify key issues, determine your target audience, and effectively frame and deliver your message. Register here

  • Volunteers needed April 9
    Join us Saturday, April 9 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Long Branch Mitigation Site on Woodside Avenue in downtown Greenville. Participants will help remove invasive plant species and litter from this property protected by Naturaland Trust and Upstate Forever. Due to limited parking, the number of volunteers will be capped at 20. RSVP now

  • New Upstate Advocate coming soon
    The upcoming issue of our twice-yearly print publication will celebrate the conservation, advocacy, and community contributions of several remarkable Upstate women, in addition to featuring the latest news about our work. If you're not on our mailing list & would like to be added to receive this and future issues, email

And more!

View this month's Upstate Update