The Water Log: Our clean water work continues

April 7th, 2020
By Megan Chase

The Water Log is Upstate Forever's periodic email newsletter dedicated to Clean Water issues and advocacy. Below is an archived copy of the newsletter. To sign up to receive The Water Log in your email inbox, please click here.

I've been thinking a lot about access to clean, reliable water during this COVID-19 outbreak. Amid all this uncertainty, we are so fortunate that we do not have to worry about protecting ourselves during times of drought or flooding, both of which impact our water supplies and infrastructure. That’s why Upstate Forever's Clean Water team is continuing to tackle issues that affect our drinking water sources and the natural lands that contribute to their health (from the comfort of our pajamas).

The value of water during a global health crisis

Without question, access to clean drinking water provides health and security during a global health crisis.

In between our Zoom meetings and frequent trips to the fridge, let’s take time to notice the daily conveniences that allow us to connect and stay healthy.

Drinking water safe from virus

Worried about the coronavirus in our drinking water? Good news: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, our water treatment systems are built to remove and disinfect the coronavirus, and our water utilities are working overtime to ensure that all of our household water needs are met. Have you thanked your water service lately?

At-home activity

As we spend more time at home, our household water uses (and water bills) will go up. Now is a great time to think about how much water we use in our daily life and how we can adopt simple measures for water conservation. Here's a user-friendly Water Footprint Calculator to help you estimate your total household water use (this is a great activity to do with kids).

The Value of Water

What is the inherent value of clean, reliable drinking water? What are the risks of neglecting water as an important natural resource?

Over the next few months, UF’s Clean Water Team will be working with drinking water utilities to assess household water use and our understanding of the true value of water.

Take our 5-minute survey for a chance to win!

We want your perspective on the value of water! Take our brief survey & be entered to win a $100 Visa Gift Card, an Upstate Forever 16oz Nalgene® bottle & an Upstate Forever "Be the Upstate" t-shirt. Take the survey here


More clean water team news

We have been awarded a grant from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to develop a watershed-based plan for Lake Greenwood. This grant will allow our mapping experts to identify strategic opportunities to protect and improve water quality in the area around Lake Greenwood.


Photo: Jon Holloway

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