Erasing The Redline Panel

Environmental Justice Resources

Thank you for attending Erasing the Redline: How Communities of Color are Disproportionately Exposed to Pollution. Below you will find a recording of the panel, as well as a list of ways to get involved with Environmental Justice issues in the Upstate— upcoming events, local organizations, educational resources, and other opportunities. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at

Panel Recording

Upcoming Events

Spring 2021

US EPA Mapping Inequality Project

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the Environmental Justice (EJ) and Systemic Racism Speaker Series by featuring The Mapping Inequality Project on March 4, 2021 at 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST. This unique collaboration created a foundational resource for unprecedented research, education, organizing, and policy advocacy on redlining and current environmental challenges. It provides publicly accessible digitized versions of redlining maps for about 200 cities. This has already generated an explosion of trailblazing work in the area of EJ and systemic racism. Project co-founders Robert Nelson, University of Richmond, and LaDale Winling, Virginia Tech, will discuss the genesis, philosophy, methodology, and impact of this game changing project. Click here to register

A Forum on Pathways to Home Ownership

Sustaining Way is partnering with the Nicholtown Neighborhood Association, the City of Greenville and Greenville Human Relations to provide an informative 90-minute forum about pathways to homeownership in Nicholtown. The forum features advice from housing experts about homeownership, affordable housing opportunities, homebuyer education and more. These forums will be held on the 2nd Thursday each month beginning at 6:30pm. Dates are: Mar 11, Apr 8, May 13, Jun 10, and Jul 8. Register for the forum here

Facebook Live Event March 19: The Human Element: SC Collective, Hosted by SC Interfaith Power & Light and Sustaining Way (Link to Facebook Live event page)

From the producers of Racing Extinction, The Cove, and Chasing Ice, environmental photographer James Balog captures the lives of everyday Americans on the front lines of climate change. The Human Element recognizes that humans are a force of nature and at the same time human activities alter the basic elements of life - earth, air, water, and fire. Altering those elements also changes human life. South Carolina leaders from the faith, political and education sectors will come together to evaluate our relationship with the natural world and to determine how South Carolina can work to restore balance. To register click here.  

Upstate Forever Citizens Planning Academy

Upstate Forever’s Spring 2021 Citizens Planning Academy is a virtual, interactive course designed to help Greenville residents, business owners, and neighborhood leaders understand processes that drive local planning and land use policy decisions as well as the roles and perspectives of diverse stakeholders. Sessions are from noon to 1pm on the following Wednesdays: April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26, and June 2. Learn more

The series is free but requires a firm commitment to attend all eight sessions, as well as internet access to support video and audio participation. Enrollment is limited to foster an interactive learning experience. Applications from people of color and from residents of Special Emphasis neighborhoods will be given priority in the selection process. The deadline to apply is Sunday, March 14 at 11:59 pm. Click here to apply now

Get involved 

Sign this petition by South Carolina Connected in Crisis asking the SC PSC to end utility shut-offs.

Sign on to support the South Carolina People's Energy Plan, which supports the following principles: Robust energy efficiency standards and programs, Community-based solar, Equitable leadership and decision-making, Diversity training, Close coal plants and replace them with clean energy, Job training, Justice in community transition planning, Strengthen the Energy Freedom Act and enact strong energy legislation. 

PlanSpartanburg is the country’s first equity-based comprehensive planning process is in process now with opportunities to participate.

EV Hybrid Noire: a nonprofit formed to educate and increase awareness of the changing automotive landscape and to increase access to new auto technology to a wider, more diverse audience. We seek to address the gap in access/adaption of diverse audiences and electric, hybrid, and alternative fuel vehicles. 

Climate Reality Project: Upstate SC Chapter: working in the 10 counties of the Upstate of South Carolina to find local solutions to humanity's greatest threat: Climate Change.

Sustaining Way: a Greenville-based, interfaith non-profit that uses education, collaboration and advocacy to create sustainable, caring and equitable communities for current and future generations.

Southeast Climate and Energy Network: a network dedicated to bringing about equitable and sustainable energy systems across the Southeast.


Other resources

Poll results: South Carolinians Struggling With Utility Bills

Stay informed on local environmental topics: Click here to sign up for Upstate Forever’s specialized newsletters:

  • Legislative Update (every Sunday evening during session)
  • The Water Log (periodic, focuses on water issues)
  • Greenville County Land Planning & Policy Issues
  • Land Protection in the Upstate: News and Opportunities
  • Planning & Growth Updates for Spartanburg County
  • Upstate Update and General Interest Emails
  • Greenville Co. Historic and Natural Resources Trust Updates