
Happy Hour: Comment Writing to Protect Clean Water at Birds Fly South

Happy Hour: Comment Writing to Protect Clean Water at Birds Fly South

Date & Time

March 27th 2019
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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Birds Fly South Ale Project

1320 Hampton Avenue
Greenville, South Carolina 29601


The EPA is proposing to rollback federal protections under the Clean Water Act that would affect over 4,300 miles of streams and 66,000 acres of wetlands in Upstate SC alone, leaving these waters — which directly impact our drinking water — vulnerable to unchecked pollution and in-fill.

Join Upstate Forever and the Southern Environmental Law Center at Birds Fly South for craft brews and conversation to learn how the devastating Clean Water Act rollbacks will affect our communities and find out how you can get involved before the EPA closes the public comment period on April 15.

We will provide materials to write comments and tablets to submit comments through

to RSVP for this event, please visit Upstate Forever on Facebook.

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