Low-cost septic repairs

Upstate Forever's Clean Water team has grant funding remaining until July that provides cost-share assistance to landowners who live in proximity to the North, Middle, and South Tyger Rivers for septic repairs to help improve local water quality.

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Member-only field trip at Lake Conestee Nature Park

Member-only field trip at Lake Conestee Nature Park

Date & Time

October 14th 2017
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Lake Conestee Nature Park

601 Fork Shoals Road
Greenville , South Carolina 29605


Join us for a guided hike with one of Lake Conestee's finest naturalists. We will tour parts of the 400-acre park, which has been designated as an Important Bird Area of Global Significance by the National Audubon Society. The park contains both hardwood and evergreen forest, extensive wetlands, three miles of the Reedy River, and a rich diversity of wildlife habitat. 

Please wear comfortable shoes and bring drinking water. The hike will begin at the Shortleaf Shelter.

RSVP by emailing Ginger Goldsmith at ggoldsmith@upstateforever.org or call (864) 250-0500 ext 20.

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