Upstate Forever supports the City of Landrum's ongoing efforts to implement Envision Landrum: Your Dream is Our Future, a comprehensive plan update adopted in August 2017. Upstate Forever played a key role in facilitating the plan's robust public engagement process, professional data collection, and policy recommendations to implement the community's vision for the future. We continue to support Landrum's progress toward adoption of specific policies to achieve the community's Land Use, Housing, and Transportation goals.
For the latest updates on Landrum’s zoning code update, check the city’s website, calendar and Facebook page.
In January 2017, Tee Coker from ALTA Planning + Design presented the final “Walkable Landrum” pedestrian master plan to Landrum City Council. “Walkable Landrum” will inform continuing efforts on Landrum’s comprehensive plan update. Alissa Ritzo-Duncan, Broadmoor Planning LLC, presented at the January City Council meeting as well, focusing on her firm’s work to support completion of Envision Landrum: Your Dream is Our Future. The aggressive schedule for completion of the comprehensive plan update included a draft document by summer and public meetings for final public input on the plan in June, July, and August. The document was finalized in August of 2017.
On May 3, 2016, Upstate Forever and the City of Landrum co-hosted the second public meeting for Envision Landrum: Your Dream is Our Future. Tripp Muldrow of Arnett Muldrow and Associates recapped the results of his firm’s market analysis and shared recommendations for economic development and housing strategies for inclusion in Landrum’s comprehensive plan update. View Muldrow’s presentation
Blake Sanders, ALTA Planning + Design, launched “Walkable Landrum,” a bicycle and pedestrian planning project that will identify opportunities to enhance multi-modal transportation, especially to improve access to healthy food venues in the area. This Spartanburg Herald-Journal article describes the project and how it will benefit the community.
Attendees at the May 3 meeting participated in an electronic polling exercise to refine data collected through various means since Envision Landrum: Your Dream is Our Future launched in early 2016.