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Duke Energy's Shared Solar program has launched - February 22nd 2019

Duke Energy Carolinas Shared Solar Site. Photo courtesy of Duke Energy
Is your roof all wrong for solar panels? Or do you live in an apartment or have an HOA that doesn't allow panels? We are excited to spread the word about Duke Energy Carolina's new Shared Solar Program in the Upstate. Duke customers, including non-profits, can invest in off-site solar facilities and then see the benefits on their bill each month.
We knew demand for this would be strong in the Upstate, and indeed, subscriptions to the program are going fast (it is already more than halfway to being fully subscribed). Duke also has a special program with reserved capacity for low income customers that waives the application costs and initial fees.
"Customers are not only saving on their electric bill, they are directly supporting a renewable energy future in South Carolina for generations to come,”said Kodwo Ghartey-Tagoe, state president for Duke Energy in South Carolina.
The website for the program is live ( and we found it to be very easy to navigate. You can estimate what level of subscription is right for your home and see the costs and benefits clearly.
More information about the program and about the specific solar facility sites can be found in Duke's press release here. Please spread the word!

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