Upstate Forever Opposes PNG Gas Pipeline Project - November 19th 2020
The Piedmont Natural Gas project threatens water quality, endangered species, and property rights in Greenville County. read more
The Piedmont Natural Gas project threatens water quality, endangered species, and property rights in Greenville County. read more
A fund of $1.5 million has been established to protect and remediate water resources in Anderson County as a result of a Clean Water Act suit brought by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of Upstate Forever and the Savannah Riverkeeper. read more
Clean energy advocates, including Upstate Forever, reach deal with Duke Energy to expand solar choice in the Carolinas. read more
Grant funds will support efforts to work with community leaders, residents, and stakeholders to advance progressive land use policies that address our community’s most pressing issues. read more
In this letter to the editor of the Greenville Journal, Executive Director Andrea Cooper shares how the ongoing crisis has shown just how critical it is to protect even more land across the Upstate, especially in fast-growing counties like Greenville. read more
Regional Conservation Partnership Program funding will be leveraged to protect critical land and water resources. read more
Ruling on Clean Water Act supports Upstate Forever’s case against Kinder Morgan for 2014 diesel spill in Belton. read more
Less than one-third of land trusts nationwide earn this distinction from the Land Trust Alliance. read more