Action Alert: Support stronger riparian buffer requirements

October 11th, 2023

Update 11/8/2023: At second reading on November 7, Greenville County Council voted 10-2 in favor of the proposed ordinance for 50' riparian buffers for new development on all Waters of the State county-wide. 

The next County Council meeting is on December 5th. County Council Chambers are located in the County Administration building closest to the parking garage, 301 University Ridge, Greenville, 29601. Join UF and partners wearing blue to create a visual show of support for riparian buffers — the most cost-effective and fiscally responsible way to protect Greenville County’s rivers and streams.

We need your help this week! Greenville County Council is currently considering strengthening riparian buffer requirements for new development county-wide to better protect water quality. Impaired water bodies, prevalent throughout the county, have become an increasingly urgent issue - one that must be addressed sooner rather than later in our rapidly developing county.

Please contact your representative on Greenville County Council and urge their support for a 50' riparian buffer requirement, county-wide, on all Waters of the State.

If you don't know who represents you on Greenville County Council, click HERE and enter your address to find out.

Here is a list of Greenville County Council emails:

  • County Council Chairman Dan Tripp:
  • County Council Vice-Chair Liz Seman:
  • Michael Barnes:
  • Benton Blount:
  • Rick Bradley:
  • Ennis Fant:
  • Chris Harrison:
  • Butch Kirven:
  • Alan Mitchell:
  • Joey Russo:
  • Steve Shaw:

What are riparian buffers?

Riparian buffers are vegetated areas next to streams and rivers that provide protection from the impacts of adjacent land uses. These areas are often considered the last line of defense for water quality.

What is an "impaired water body"?

Waters, including lakes, streams, rivers, and creeks are assessed as impaired when an applicable water quality standard is not being met. Impaired waters require a plan to reduce pollutants and restore the waterbody.

What benefits do riparian buffers provide?

A local study by the Reedy River Water Quality Group (RRWQG) shows that the benefits associated with increased riparian buffers – including water quality, flood protection, tax revenue, and recreation – far exceed the costs.  

In fact, riparian buffers are the most cost-effective and fiscally responsible way to protect Greenville County’s rivers and streams. Fiscally speaking, benefits in this study estimated $7.5M and included water quality, property value, flood protection, tax revenue, and recreation.

Other benefits of riparian buffers include:  

  • Water quality protection
  • Streambank stabilization
  • Sediment trapping and pollutant removal
  • Protection from stormwater runoff
  • Shade and lower water temperatures
  • Floodwater storage
  • Groundwater infiltration
  • Fish and wildlife habitat
  • Food source for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

Please reach out to your representative on Greenville County Council today! Click HERE to find out who represents you.

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