Action Alert: Support the New Greenville Development Code

March 24th, 2023
By Sherry Barrett

As the draft Greenville Development Code enters the formal adoption process, new projects continue flowing into the development pipeline under the city's existing, sprawl-supporting Land Management Ordinance.

The 3/15/2023 updated draft Greenville Development Code will enable a more urban development pattern -- the overarching goal of GVL2040. Additionally, it expands opportunities for "gentle density" in the form of accessory dwelling units and missing middle housing -- much needed to support mobility options and housing choices.

Overall, though not perfect, the new draft Code is a much-needed improvement from current codes guiding development in the city, and its timely adoption is essential to reach the bold goals laid out in GVL2040.  

On the cusp of change, urgency is paramount. Join us in supporting timely adoption of the new Greenville Development Code.

Call to Action!

  • Support the timely adoption of the draft Greenville Development Code. Email: before 2:00 pm on Monday, March 27.
  • Express support for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). See helpful details below.
  • Ask planning commission to recommend UF's preferred changes - outlined below - to City Council.
  • Speak in support of the draft Code at the Planning Commission public hearing on Thursday, March 30 at 4:00 pm at City Hall, 206 S. Main St., Greenville, 10th Floor Council Chambers. Register in advance HERE. See p.2 HERE for additional instructions.

UF's advocacy priorities on the path to adoption

Support ADUs in all residential districts. 

  • The draft Code allows ADUs in all residential districts. We want it to stay that way! ADUs help reduce sprawl by providing additional, relatively affordable, housing options in established neighborhoods with minimal visual impact.

Advance the restructured development bonus program with slight tweaks.

  • Much improved! A recalibrated open space mitigation fee and more flexible options to meet requirements increase the likelihood of sufficient participation -- essential to achieve GVL2040's desired outcomes for open space preservation, affordable housing, & transportation/mobility.
  • The Code should outline how decisions are made for distribution of program funds; where and how funds are spent once collected; and measures to ensure monitoring, evaluation, and regular, transparent reporting on results. We support the equitable distribution of open space funds for neighborhood-scale open space/parks, rather than large-scale greenspace projects.

Create more opportunities for Missing Middle Housing (MMH).

  • While the draft Code encourages Missing Middle Housing (MMH) types (house-scale buildings with multiple units in walkable areas) in three “Neighborhood Scale” zoning districts, we would like to see more "RN" classifications on the draft Zoning Map.
  • Watch this video featuring Greenville residents to learn how MMH types help address gaps in housing stock, expand housing choices, build pockets of “gentle density” that can better support transit, and create more inclusive neighborhoods.

Additional advocacy resources: 

  • Click HERE for more information about the benefits of ADUs.
  • Click HERE to read UF's blogpost What Missing Middle Housing Means for Greenville.

Take action today! Voice your support for timely adoption of the draft Greenville Development Code and continued improvements along the way.


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