County Comp Plan Update

April 28th, 2018
By Lisa Hallo

Greenville County has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for assistance with their upcoming 10-year comprehensive plan update. Proposals will be accepted until mid-May, and the contract should be awarded/negotiated by early June, according to the RFP. The City of Greenville is also seeking assistance with their comprehensive plan but are a bit further along in the process (proposals were due in late March).

Why Is the Comprehensive Plan Important?

Greenville County is growing, with more than 160,000 new residents projected by 2040. The City of Greenville was named the fourth fastest growing city in the country last year. Our community is changing. The comprehensive planning process is a key opportunity for influencing what that change will look like.

The County Needs a Plan to Slow Sprawl

As it stands, we are consuming land at an unprecedented rate in an incredibly inefficient way. Our own plans and policies are effectively limiting our housing options and mobility choices, and eating up our working farms and open spaces unnecessarily.

What Can I Do to Make My Voice Heard?

Both the City's and County's RFPs emphasize the need for strong community engagement. As opportunities to make your voice heard arise, we will let you know. For now, we suggest you: (1) review the county's RFP and the city's RFP to better understand the process and (2) contact your city and county council representatives and thank them for allocating resources to these important efforts.

We Want to Hear From You

Please email me at and let me know the issues that matter most to you and why you want to get involved in planning for Greenville's future.

Photo: Mac Stone