Greenville City Council adopts GVL2040. What happens next?

February 24th, 2021
By Sherry Barrett

On Monday, February 22 Greenville City Council adopted GVL2040, a new comprehensive plan to guide the growth of the city over the next two decades. More than two years in development, GVL2040 weaves together an integrated strategy to expand affordable housing and mobility options, while preserving open space and tree canopy and welcoming new businesses and residents to the City of Greenville.

Huge thanks to the 40-member GVL2040 Steering Committee, planning commission, city council, and city staff for their dedication and commitment to advancing a bold and visionary plan that addresses priority issues identified with substantial input from citizens and stakeholders. Kudos to czb and Ingalls Planning & Design for their expertise and commitment in developing GVL2040.

Last but not least, we especially thank engaged citizens like YOU for investing the time and energy necessary to ensure GVL2040 reflects the values of the community-at-large. Your role cannot be understated.

City Council discussed GVL2040 and key steps on the plan's "must do" list for 2021-22 during their annual retreat last week. Based on our monitoring of those discussions, GVL2040 will not gather dust on the shelf — a promising and refreshing prospect indeed!

Council members indicated they would move forward to adopt a meaningful consistency policy to support accountability for decision-making to bring GVL2040 to fruition. City staff have already taken steps to select a consultant to provide a rewrite of the city's Land Management Ordinance (LMO) in 2021-22. Such a rewrite is critical to create policies that will direct growth and development to achieve the community goals set out in GVL2040.

We'll be watching closely and reaching out to you with updates and action alerts to support GVL2040 implementation.

Sherry Barrett is the Land Policy Manager for Upstate Forever. You can contact her at

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