The latest City of Greenville comprehensive plan updates

March 17th, 2020

GVL2040, the City of Greenville's comprehensive planning process, entered Phase 4 this month.

At a meeting on March 6, GVL2040 Steering Committee members broke into three sub-groups and completed an interactive Growth Allocation and Trade-Off Exercise led by project consultants from czb and Ingalls Planning & Design. The exercise explored how and where to distribute density, affordable housing units, and preservation of open space throughout various city corridors and nodes. Feedback on three potential growth scenarios outlined at the GVL2040 open house in February informed the exercise. You can view a document from the February open house outlining the comprehensive planning process and three potential growth scenarios here.

Attendees of the February GVL2040 Open house generally preferred Scenario 3, which would steer growth to corridors and nodes while also preserving land — view an in-depth look at Scenario 3 here. Members of the GVL2040 steering committee supported a hybrid of Scenarios 2 (steering growth to corridors and nodes) and 3, with an interest in creating more opportunities for affordable housing. 

The next GVL2040 open house is currently scheduled for May. As plans for the next open house take shape, we will share dates and details — sign up here to receive Greenville County & City Comprehensive Plan Updates directly in your email inbox.

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