Why Upstate Forever Supports the Greenville Development Code

May 5th, 2023
By Sherry Barrett

Since 2021, the City of Greenville has undertaken a once-in-a-decade process to overhaul their zoning and land development regulations — the primary tools determining how and where growth takes place within City limits. The new GVL Development Code largely decides whether — and to what degree — the City achieves the bold outcomes identified in GVL2040, the comprehensive plan adopted unanimously by City Council in 2021.

While not perfect, Upstate Forever strongly supports the new Greenville Development Code. We will continue to advocate for modifications post-adoption and ensure the code is working effectively to preserve established neighborhoods and remaining open space, create practical transportation & mobility options, and support a healthy housing market that grows a community where all can thrive.

5 reasons uf supports the greenville development code

1. The code balances growth with other community priorities.  

  • The city is experiencing unprecedented growth AND struggling mightily to manage growth effectively. Antiquated regulations are compromising our future, diminishing prospects for neighborhood preservation, ample open space, practical transportation & mobility options, and a healthy housing market—with a range of attainable choices. The new Greenville Development Code can help us grow the city we say we want — a community where all can thrive.

2. The code guides and shapes growth to protect neighborhoods. 

  • In fact, the overwhelming majority of homes are zoned exactly the same — but with a new label: “RH” is the new single detached. The code’s development standards actually halt many unwanted changes happening NOW in these neighborhoods and better enable them to stay as they are.  

3. The code’s development bonus prioritizes two of Greenville's most challenging issues.

  • The bonus allows added height (in certain districts) and/or density in exchange for creating affordable homes and public open space or contributing funds to create affordable homes and acquire land for use as public open space.

4. The code directs growth to nodes & corridors.

  • In line with community priorities, the code accommodates most new development in pedestrian-friendly, amenity rich, mixed-use nodes and along bicycle and transit-supportive corridors.

5. The code promotes a healthy housing market with diverse housing options.

  • Healthy housing options include single detached homes and accessory dwelling units and other small scale scale residential options, while creating new home choices near transit and other amenities that support a more urban lifestyle.
  • Allowing one Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) per lot in RH (single detached) districts creates opportunities for residents to help increase housing availability and affordability throughout the city. Read more about the benefits of ADUs HERE.
  • The code creates opportunities for Missing Middle home types (duplex, triplex, quadraplex, cottage court, mansion apartment, etc.). These small scale homes with more than one unit are limited to 2 ½ stories and are ideal for seamless transitions between RH (single detached) homes and larger, more intense, residential, commercial, or mixed-use buildings within nodes and along corridors. Click HERE to learn more about the range of home types defined as Missing Middle Housing.

Ongoing evaluation and modification will be critical to ensure the new code is doing all it can to support a thriving community for all.