The Water Log

Water is our planet's most precious natural resource, and Upstate Forever is working to safeguard both the quantity and quality of water in our region. Our Clean Water team sends out a periodic newsletter dedicated to clean water issues and advocacy, archived below.

To sign up to receive The Water Log in your email inbox, please click here.

The Water Log: What do trees have to do with clean water? - December 18th, 2020

Throughout the process of updating the City of Greenville's Tree Ordinance, Upstate Forever and others have discussed the benefits trees have on slowing stormwater flow, flood retention, and streambank stabilization. read more

By Megan Chase

The Water Log: Local solutions to flooding and pollutant runoff - August 14th, 2020

Greenville County has already experienced two 10-year floods in 2020 alone, and has nearly reached its 50.1-inch average annual rainfall with 49.5 inches of rain since January. read more

By Megan Chase

The Water Log: Will South Carolina have enough water in 20 years? - May 14th, 2020

The next webinar in the SC Conservation Coalition's "Conversations with Conservationists" series will focus on water use in South Carolina and how our state is planning to ensure we have enough water in the future by updating the State Water Plan. read more

By Megan Chase

The Water Log: Our clean water work continues - April 7th, 2020

Amid all this uncertainty, Upstate Forever's Clean Water team is continuing to tackle issues that affect our drinking water sources and the natural lands that contribute to their health (from the comfort of our pajamas). read more

By Megan Chase

Welcome to The Water Log! - February 27th, 2020

Read the first edition of The Water Log, Upstate Forever's newsletter dedicated to clean water issues and advocacy. read more

By Megan Chase

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