Waters of the US (WOTUS): Myths and Truths - October 3rd, 2017

There have been a lot of misconceptions about the Clean Water Rule, which the EPA is considering rolling back. We believe the Clean Water Rule is an essential tool to prevent confusion and to ensure the health of our waterways. read more

By Heather Nix

Clean Water 101: Intro to River Contaminants - August 24th, 2017

You might think it’s a simple question: “Are our Upstate rivers healthy?” But as many recent articles have shown, the answer is complicated — because water quality IS complicated. read more

By Heather Nix

What in the world happened with V.C. Summer? - August 3rd, 2017

After Monday's announcement that the V.C. Summer nuclear project in the Midlands would be abandoned, “meltdown” seems to be the only term that truly describes the situation. read more

By Shelley Robbins

Development near Glassy would permanently alter an icon - July 13th, 2017

Upstate Forever filed an appeal to have the plan for a development near Glassy Mountain remanded back to the Pickens County Planning Commission. The proposed development would have forever changed the character of the this special area. As of December 2017, the property is permanently protected by a conservation easement. read more

By Shelley Robbins

Support local food by saving local farms - June 1st, 2017

To have an abundance of local food, you must have plenty of local working farms. However, because rural land is so highly prized by developers for new construction, owners of Upstate farms are facing growing pressure to sell. read more

By Scott Park

Legislative Wrap Up - May 2017 - May 17th, 2017

The SC Legislature wrapped up their most recent session on May 11. Here’s a recap of the bills we worked on at Upstate Forever as a member of the Steering Committee for the CVSC's Conservation Coalition. read more

By Shelley Robbins

The property rights disconnect - February 26th, 2017

There is a significant disconnect between federal regulations and local control and impact. The siting of infrastructure is a tricky thing, as is the issue of “need” relative to the power of eminent domain. read more

By Shelley Robbins

Here's why you can no longer recycle glass in the Upstate - March 16th, 2016

Citizens in many communities in the Upstate are dismayed by recent announcements that they will no longer be able to recycle their household glass. Unfortunately, the cities and counties affected have no choice in the matter. read more

By Shelley Robbins

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